Virtual Reality Improve Lives of Autistic Adults

We are all familiar with virtual reality as a popular instrument in the entertainment and gaming industries.  In addition, some educational institutions have embraced VR to create a more stimulating learning experience for students.  Recent studies have proven to be very effective in using virtual reality in working with autistic children and adults to help

Official Book Review of Mount Up With Wings

Read the full book review here of Mount Up With Wings – The Journey Of Acceptance and Finding Purpose For Autistic Adults. This book received a 4 out of 4 stars review from Online Book Reviews. In the book world, that’s huge! Follow the link below to view the complete review. Review of Mount Up

How Virtual Reality Can Improve the Lives of Autistic Adults

We are all familiar with virtual reality as a popular instrument in the entertainment and gaming industries.  In addition, some educational institutions have embraced VR to create a more stimulating learning experience for students.  Recent studies have proven to be very effective in using virtual reality in working with autistic children and adults to help

Living A Life of Excellence While Autistic

While the world continues to pursue human interest stories considered relevant by many, adults with autism receive minimal positive media coverage.  The exception usually entails stories of limitations, dire circumstances, and despair.  Contrary to popular belief, there are autistic adults living vibrant lives that include pursuing their dreams and passions.  Those same adults have fully

Leaders Wanted

There is wonderful news coming from the autism community with regards to broader acceptance and inclusivity. However, there are still many challenges to overcome before we can confidently proclaim victory as many people still view those with autism as unequal. With the maturing of younger adults with autism, comes the longing for independence to the

Social Distancing is not isolation

We continue to make lifestyle adjustments as we cope with the Coronavirus.  The message of wearing masks and social distancing is everywhere and permeates every facet of life.  Care must be taken in managing to distance ourselves from others, while also guarding against social isolation.  There is a thin line between adherence to Coronavirus protocol

Long Term Care for Adults With Severe Autism

There has been a considerable amount of attention garnered lately that focuses on people with autism.  We have heard about the broad spectrum of talents and abilities within the autism community as inclusion efforts are on the rise.  Much of the attention has centered around children’s activities during the formative years such as behavioral therapy,

Buckle Up – Change Is Coming

     The buzz surrounding autonomous cars is gaining momentum. Sure it takes some getting used to, but the change is inevitable. For many of us, the concept of driverless cars seems too impersonal, to the extent of being intrusive. Disruptive as the thought may be, there are positive takeaways for the autism community.  First, the technology behind autonomous
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